Exciting news! Father Bob Warren is now reading his weekly reflections. Click on the headlines below or where it says “read more” under each to read – and now listen to – the latest from Fr. Bob.
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Fr. Bob’s Homily – 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Jesus asks His disciples in today's Gospel, "Why are you lacking in faith?" He is constantly referring to faith. He preached to the people of His time that their faith has made them whole.
Fr. Bob’s Homily – 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time
There is an old truth that we will reap what we sow. That is the metaphor in today's Gospel. As we go through life, we all sow seeds. Do we stop and think, "What are we planting? In our children, our friends, our co-workers?"
Fr. Bob’s Homily – 10th Sunday in Ordinary Time
The story of Adam and Eve is perhaps the best known story in history. They ate fruit from the wrong tree. Right in the middle of the garden was a tree that was off limits. They were not to even touch it.
Fr. Bob’s Homily – Corpus Christi Sunday
It is late in the day. A little boy is tired of playing. He's tense and miserable; agitated. He starts to
whine. The mother is also tired, but must think about cooking dinner.
Fr. Bob’s Homily – The Most Holy Trinity Sunday
I'd like to recall the words Jesus told Nicodemus. "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son."
Fr. Bob’s Homily – Pentecost Sunday
It has been a long journey since we entered the season of Lent on Ash Wednesday. We have known the gift of Holy Thursday, the agony of Good Friday, the glorious triumph of Easter Sunday and bewilderment of the Ascension.
Fr. Bob’s Homily – Seventh Sunday of Easter
In our Gospel, we read the prayer Jesus offered the night before He died. It's the longest prayer in the Bible. He says, "Father, Most Holy, protect them which You have given Me. I gave them Your word and the world has hated them for it.
Fr. Bob’s Homily – Sixth Sunday of Easter
In our Gospel today, Jesus speaks about being chosen. It was not you who chose Me, but I who chose you. And appointed you to go and bear fruit that will remain.
Fr. Bob’s Homily – Fifth Sunday of Easter
Most of us are repulsed by spiders. Rather than admire the woven web in the corner of the room, we are quick to destroy it. The spider swaying from the ceiling does not evoke amazement in us, despite its abilities. The spider disgusts us, and even causes us fear.
Fr. Bob’s Homily – Fourth Sunday of Easter
We are all familiar with the 23rd Psalm. The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want. He leads me in green pastures. Even if we know nothing about farming or sheep, we can find some comfort in that image. Shepherds lead sheep.
Fr. Bob’s Homily – Third Sunday of Easter
When the Disciples who were on the road to Emmaus sit together with Jesus for a meal and He breaks the bread, they recognize Him as the Lord. And like the Disciples who Jesus revealed Himself to, many people come to realize that on life's journey, they are not alone.
Fr. Bob’s Homily – Second Sunday of Easter
A small child looks at a stove. It's been turned off, but it's still quite hot. She has been told the word several times: "Hot." But it doesn't mean much to her. It's just a word; a sound her mother makes when she does not want her to touch the oven.
Fr. Bob’s Homily – Easter Sunday
Every year at the Easter Vigil, a new spark is struck from the flint to light a new candle. New holy water is blessed and new hosts are consecrated. We are beginning all over again, making all things new.
Fr. Bob’s Homily – Palm Sunday
Holy Week begins as it will end: in triumph. We see the fleeting triumph of Palm Sunday and it's followed the lasting triumph of Easter Sunday. In between is a strange mixture of joy and pain; of sorrow and fear, known to all of us human beings.
Fr. Bob’s Homily – Fifth Sunday of Lent
We hear in our Gospel today about some people who have come to Jerusalem for the Passover. They have heard about this miracle worker named Jesus. So, they approach a friend of His, Philip, and make a request.