Welcome to the Holy Mountain Franciscan Retreat Center at Graymoor! We are so excited and pleased to offer a variety of programming including weekend and day retreats, Feast Day celebrations, Holy Day services, and personal opportunities for prayer and meditation. Spiritual Direction is available with Deacon Tom Rich, TSA, D. Min on Monday, and Tuesday from 10am-2pm and Joy Pellegrino, MS, MA, MS on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday from 10am-2pm. The Sacrament of Reconciliation is available by appointment only, please call (845) 424-3671 to make arrangements with a priest. All are invited to share our celebration of the Mass at Our Lady of the Atonement Chapel every Sunday at 11am. Our grounds are open dawn to dusk for you to explore, pray, and enjoy the beauty of the Hudson Valley. If you would like to hold your retreat, conference meeting, or special event at the Retreat Center, please call (845) 424-2111. Come visit us and experience the charism of Franciscan At-one-ment at our Holy Mountain!

Please enter your email address below to sign up for notification of all the latest retreats and programs we are adding. We look forward to having you visit Graymoor.

Renew Your Spirit

The Holy Mountain Franciscan Retreat Center is a ministry of the Franciscan Friars of the Atonement, dedicated to the reconciliation, or at-one- ment, of people with themselves, each other, and God. The Center sponsors and hosts many retreats, conferences, days of renewal and recollection, pilgrimages, meetings and other events. Opened in 1970, the Holy Mountain Franciscan Retreat Center has offered people of many different religious traditions and all walks of life an opportunity to slow down and encounter the Spirit in their lives.

We offer a year-round schedule of weekend, weekday, and evening retreats and programs designed for both groups and individuals, including married couples, seniors, young adults, clergy, and men and women in recovery.

In addition to over two dozen weekend and weekday retreats for people in recovery, the Center is also the location for weekly holy hours and Centering Prayer experiences and regular AA, NA, Alanon, and Recovery, Inc., meetings.

We will happily schedule group retreats for your parish or organization and invite individuals to come to the Holy Mountain to restore connections to the deeper meaning of faith.

There are year-round opportunities on a space available basis, known as Days of Grace — usually weekdays, but occasionally on weekends — to relax, reflect, read, and pray. Days of Grace are $150 per person, per day (includes three meals and overnight accommodations) and an advance registration is required.

Enjoy the sweeping vistas of Graymoor, walk the labyrinth, pray and enjoy our Franciscan hospitality in the beautiful Hudson Valley of New York State.


The Center sponsors and hosts many retreats, conferences, days of renewal and recollection days, pilgrimages, meetings and other events. Opened in 1970, the Holy Mountain Franciscan Retreat Center has offered people of many different religious traditions and all walks of life an opportunity to slow down and encounter the Spirit in their lives. We will happily schedule group retreats for your parish, fellowship or organization and invite individuals to come to the Holy Mountain to restore connections to the deeper meaning of faith.

For additional information about the Holy Mountain Franciscan Retreat Center, and its programs and availability for your upcoming event, please call the Center at (845) 424-2111, or email HMFRC@atonementfriars.org.


Located on a mountaintop overlooking the Hudson River Valley, facilities include overnight accommodations, large dining room, a library, three chapels, as well as meeting/seminar facilities. All meals are included; there are vending machines for snacks however feel free to bring your own. The Center provides towels, linens and one pillow per bed. (Bathrobes are recommended for shower use.) Bring your own alarm clock and any extra pillows you may want.


Joy Pellegrino is Spiritual Director at Holy Mountain Franciscan Retreat Center at Graymoor. She also continues to work closely at St. Christopher’s Inn guiding our Brothers Christopher in art therapy and other workshops. Joy has spent her entire career in ministry and pastoral healthcare. She holds graduate degrees from Fordham University, Brooklyn College, and the College of New Rochelle. Joy loves integrating the creative arts and spirituality in her retreats.

Booking A Retreat


All rooms are single occupancy. Fees for a weekend retreat is $305 per person. Fees include all content of our retreat, the two overnight stays and all meals starting with Saturday’s breakfast and ending with lunch on Sunday.

Registration Deadlines:

Pre-registration is required as retreats are limited in number of participants. The deadline for registration is one week before the retreat. Full payment is due at the time of reservation and is non-refundable or transferable. To register online for a retreat, click here.

Arrival and Departure Times:

For weekend programs, please arrive between 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM on Friday for registration in the Welcome Center on the 1st floor. Please do not arrive early as rooms and staff may not be adequately prepared at earlier times. Weekend retreats end after Sunday lunch at 12:15 PM and weekday retreats end after 12:00 PM lunch on Friday.