Advent Reflections (Week 4) – by Fr. Bob Warren, S.A.

Mary’s Dream

I had a dream, Joseph.

I do not understand it, but I think it was about a birthday celebration for our Son.

The people in my dream had been preparing for about six weeks.

They had decorated the house and bought new clothes.

They’d gone shopping many times and bought many elaborate gifts.

It was a peculiar, though, because the presents were not for our Son.

They wrapped them in beautiful paper and stacked them under a tree.

Yes, a tree, Joseph, right inside their homes! They’d decorated the tree with sparkling ornaments.

There was a figure like an angel on the top of the tree.

Everyone was laughing and happy. They gave the gifts to each other, Joseph, not to our Son.

I don’t think they even knew Him. They never mentioned His name.

I had the strangest feeling that, if our Jesus had gone to this celebration he would have been intruding.

How sad for someone not to be wanted at His own birthday party! I’m glad it was only a dream. How terrible Joseph if it had been real!!


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10 thoughts on “Fr. Bob’s Thoughts for the Fourth Week of Advent

  1. God’s greatest gift is God Himself, His body and Divine Love. Giving to each other every year can remind us of this Infinite giving, however small. It may even teach us some giving lessons about giving, others’ and our own, year upon year. The most meaningful gift I received was from a single mom who have me a Christmas candle fom the dollar store neatly wrapped. I still have it to keep reminding me it’s the giving, not the gift that is the Spirit of Christmas.

  2. WOW that is a powerful message ! Very effective Father Bob ! I enjoy all your messages , thank you for this ministry . I belong to Our Lady of Loretta Parish, that is where I first heard you preach. You have a wonderful gift .I wish you a very Merry Christmas!

  3. I thoroughly enjoy receiving your reflections. It aids me in my spiritual journey. It helps me to remain close to Jesus and The Holy Family! Your reflections enhance my ongoing journey of faith! God Bless You and all the Friars of Graymoor! A Very Blessed and Merry Christmas!

  4. I had to print your sermon out ,and hang it on the fridg so all could see it.I really enjoy your sermons,

  5. I know these reflection take a lot of time out of your busy schedule but I look for it in my inbox every week. It’s with immense joy that I receive in reading these and hope that you continue to send them out . Thank you Fr Bob.

  6. I have noticed this even more this year. All the hype and celebrations on television, except for TBN, never mention Jesus. I feel so sad about this and you have put this so well. I will try to spread the word.

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