“Pope Francis beams invitation and joy,” reports Minister General Fr. Brian Terry, SA. Fr. Brian would know. This past fall was the third time he had the opportunity to meet the Holy Father.
On December 14, 2017, the Centro Pro Unione in Rome had the honor of hosting Metropolitan Kallistos of Diokleia for a lecture focusing on the Catholic-Orthodox Relations following the Great and Holy Synod of the Orthodox Church held in Crete.
Jack Manning recently completed his three month commitment at the House of Discernment before heading to college to study International Relations. Jack reflects on how his experience at the House of Discernment changed him.
Fr. Dennis Polanco, SA, has been named president of St. Christopher’s Inn, the Friars’ residential shelter and substance abuse treatment center at Graymoor in Garrison, New York, working with Sandra Iberger, who became its CEO/Executive Director in July.
The Franciscan Friars of the Atonement opened San Damiano Farm, a new life-giving ministry that will serve men in recovery from substance addictions, on October 1.