This fall has been a time of celebration for the entire community of Friars as we witnessed the profession of vows and vow renewals of three men in formation. These milestones are an opportunity for the Friars to recommit to their own vows as well as extend their welcome to the newly professed.
Br. Gregorio Lupisella, SA, and Br. Giovanni Picciallo, SA, pronounced their first vows on September 15, 2018, in the Basilica of St. Clare in Assisi, Italy. V. Rev. Brian Terry, SA, Minister General of the Franciscan Friars of the Atonement, officiated at the celebration. The first vows are taken at the end of the novitiate stage and consist of a promise to live a life of poverty, chastity and obedience.
Fr. Bill Drobach, SA, the Director of Novices in Europe called them forth to pronounce their First Vows. He shared that “Working with the novices and helping them grow into professed brothers has been a privilege and I look forward to their continued development as Brothers in the Society of the Atonement.”
In addition, this fall, Br. Paolo Nicosia, SA, celebrated a renewal of his vows as a religious brother. He joined the Friars in 2014, received his habit in 2016 and this vow renewal signifies a renewed commitment of the candidate and the community that becoming a fully professed Franciscan Friar of the Atonement is God’s will for Br. Paolo’s life. His vow renewal lasts for one year and took place at the St. Paul Friary at Graymoor on September 14, the Feast of the Triumph of the Cross.
Find out more about our religious brothers below:
Br. Gregorio Lupisella, SA, is from Botricello in the region of Calabria, Italy. He entered the community in Rome in 2015 and spent this previous year in the Novitiate in Assisi. He has returned to Rome to attend Lumsa University to pursue a degree in Psychology. His parents Maria Garcia and Francesco along with his brother Stefano attended the vow ceremony.
Br. Giovanni Picciallo, SA, is from Gravina in Puglia in the Province of Bari, Italy. He entered the community in 2015 and spent the previous year in the Novitiate. He received a degree in Theology at Marianum College of Theology. He returned to Rome and will be studying Ecumenical Theology at the Institute San Bernardino in Venice. His father Vito along with his brother Michael and his sister Nuncia attended the vow ceremony.
Br. Paolo S. Nicosia, SA, was born in Padova and has lived the majority of his life in Assisi. Before entering the community he was teaching and doing meditation at the University of Pisa and in international EU projects. He entered the community in Rome in 2014, while he was still teaching and researching for his doctorate in reconciliation at the University of Bolzano. He did his Postulancy and Novitiate in Assisi. After professing his first vows, at the end of 2017 he was assigned to the House of Discernment in NYC. At the moment he is studying to become a certified Spiritual Director and volunteering with Franciscan International at the UN.