Fr. James Gardiner, SA, Hosts Introductory Ecumenical Leadership Institute Session

August 17, 2018
The Introductory Ecumenical Leadership Institute, co-sponsored by the Catholic Association of Diocesan Ecumenical and Interreligious Officers and the Committee on Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, was held from July 23rd to the 287th in Washington, DC. For over thirty-five years, this event has helped people in ministry become familiar with the ecumenical spirit and documents of the Church in relationship to other Christian communities.
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Finding God in Assisi

July 24, 2018
Going into our travels to Italy, I knew that Assisi would be a highlight. I had heard wonderful things about it from everyone that I knew who had gone there. This compounded with the fact that I was going there with Franciscans and with a special appreciation for it now that I have been living and working with Franciscans for almost a month. What I soon came to realize was that this weekend would be the highlight of my entire experience in Italy.
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The Friars Are Planting Seeds

July 9, 2018
There is great excitement over the Friars recently establishing San Damiano Farm, which gives the opportunity for men suffering from substance abuse to literally plant seeds and witness the fruits (and vegetables!) of their labor.   
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Diamond Jubilarians Reflect On Vocation

June 27, 2018
Five Friars: Fr. Timothy MacDonald, SA, Br. Gerard Hand, SA, Br. Daniel Houde, SA, Br. Louis Marek, SA, and Br. Savio McNeice, SA celebrated their Diamond Jubilee in 2018!  Although Br. Savio passed into eternal life on Sunday, June 10, 2018, the Friars recognized and celebrated him for his years of service to the mission of “At-One-Ment.”
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