3 events found.
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St. Jude Circle of Faith Novena of Masses
We hope that you will join our St. Jude Circle of Faith. Known as the Patron Saint of Hope, the power of St. Jude Thaddeus's intercession is legend.
St. Anthony Union Monthly Novena of Masses
St. Anthony, Worker of Miracles, please intercede on my behalf.
“That All May Be One” Prayers for Unity
St. Francis Convent Chapel 41 Old Highland Turnpike, Graymooor GarrisonOn the first Thursday of every month, please join the Franciscan Sisters of the Atonement to pray for world peace and unity. Through quiet prayer and reflection, intercessory prayer and music, you are invited to participate in our mission, "That All May Be One" - a worldwide mission of Unity that began at Graymoor in 1898. People of all Faiths are welcome.