Catholics around the world recently celebrated Ash Wednesday. At Graymoor, the Friars observed the start of Lent with a beautiful Mass.

Following the Gospel reading, Fr. Dan Callahan preached on some key themes. Specifically, Fr. Dan mentioned the need to pray for our world, to get outside of ourselves, to hear the Word of God and to be transformed by it. Yes, Lent is about conversion of heart and becoming who we are meant to be–children of God.

According to Fr. Dan, Lent is a season of renewal. A season where we recognize our human frailty, walking joyfully as we await the mystery of Christ’s Resurrection. The Mass readings also remind us that we are called to pray and fast. Fasting allows us to hunger for God while prayer draws us closer to Him.

In this Lenten Season, a time of many graces, let us walk in the footsteps of Christ through prayer, fasting and almsgiving, so that we might celebrate His Resurrection with the greatest joy and solemnity.