The Heritage and Benefactor Appreciation Day on June 7 was an occasion for the benefactors to see more fully the great work they are a part of through their support as well as to pray to St. Anthony for his intercession.

Benefactors attended Mass and a reception at the St. Anthony Shrine, a popular pilgrimage spot that has been visited by tens of thousands over the years. For the Friars, many benefactors, and so many men and women who have asked for prayers, St. Anthony is a special patron, a miracle-worker who has aided many pilgrims and supplicants.

After Mass, the benefactors attended a luncheon and received an update on the Friars ministries. Some of the ministries in which the Friars serve – such as the Graymoor Books and Gift Center, the pilgrimage spots, the Graymoor Spiritual Life Center, and St. Christopher’s Inn – are located at Graymoor itself, giving the benefactors a chance to see the fruit of their generosity.

The Friars recognize that the abundant good work that is accomplished through their many ministries – from helping men suffering from drug addictions to building bridges through ecumenical dialogue – is not due solely to their own labor. Rather, they rely on the prayers and financial support of many others who believe in Servant of God Fr. Paul of Graymoor’s mission of “At-One-Ment”, as well as the intercession of saints such as St. Anthony.

St. Anthony, pray for us!