Restoring Our Most Fundamental Relationships


Are You One With God, One Another And Yourself?

Living in today’s world isn’t easy.  It can be painful, and the Franciscan Friars of the Atonement recognize this.  Most of us experience at least some pain in our most important relationships—with God, with each other, and within ourselves.  That’s why the Friars developed a series of 21 daily challenges that will be delivered each day directly to your inbox.  “RU1@1?” will encourage you to take a daily action to heal and renew our relationship with God, one another, and ourselves.  As these relationships are healed, we become bearers of God’s healing in the world and build His Kingdom!  The Friars invite you on this three-week journey to restoring wholeness to your most fundamental relationships—a  journey they call “At-One-Ment”—and not only change yourself but the world in the process.  RU1@1? The journey begins below…

Receive daily tips to find At-One-Ment with God, others, and within ourselves.