Exciting news! Father Bob Warren is now reading his weekly reflections. Click on the headlines below or where it says “read more” under each to read – and now listen to – the latest from Fr. Bob.
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Fr. Bob’s Homily – Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time – Before you bring your gift to the altar…
The gospel today contains a rubric for the Eucharist. Rubrics are directions in the official book that we use for mass. They are printed in red ink.
Fr. Bob’s Homily – Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time – Light-Salt
Dr. David Livingstone, who died in 1873, was a Scottish missionary and explorer. He spent over half of his life serving in Africa.
Fr. Bob’s Homily – Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time – Beatitudes
In April of 1986, two gray-haired men greeted each other in Tokyo’s airport. Both men had tears in their eyes, one man was an American named Ponich.
Fr. Bob’s Homily – Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Peter and Andrew had just finished their daily work of fishing. They were stretching their nets so they will dry in the sun.
Fr. Bob’s Homily – Second Sunday – The Lamb of God
Today there is a funny feeling in the Church everywhere. The Crib is back in storage, the Wise Men have returned to the East, the shepherds to their flocks...
Fr. Bob’s Homily – Epiphany of the Lord
This feast of the Epiphany has always been among the favorites of many people, especially in Latin cultures like Italy and South America.
Fr. Bob’s Homily – Feast of the Solemnity of the Mother of God
Today is the Feast of the Mother of God, without whom we would not have had Christmas.
Fr. Bob’s Homily – Christmas 2022
It has been said that Catholics only sing in church at Christmas. I am not sure this is true, but from my vantage point, I have to admit it does appear that on Christmas, everyone appears to be singing.
Fr. Bob’s Homily – Fourth Sunday of Advent – Do Not Be Afraid
Do Not Be Afraid. One of the most frequent assurances in scripture is one you just heard from Matthew. Do not be afraid, it dots the old and new testaments.
Fr. Bob’s Homily – Third Sunday of Advent
Our gospel tells us of John the Baptist in his prison. He’s puzzled, maybe a little disappointed. Like many Jews, he’s expected the Messiah to be a fiery social reformer.
Fr. Bob’s Homily – Second Sunday of Advent
This is a stern gospel about a stern John the Baptist. If you were making up a list for a Christmas Party, you would leave his name off.
Fr. Bob’s Homily – First Sunday of Advent
Today is the first Sunday of Advent and no one really celebrates it anymore. The season has been swallowed up by commercial Christmas. Yes, we come to church and note the purple vestments and sing the Advent Hymns.
Fr. Bob’s Homily – Thirty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time – Christ the King Solemnity
Charlie Brown is leaning against a tree talking to Lucy. She asks, “What do you think security is, Charlie Brown?”
Fr. Bob’s Homily – Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
One night in 1983 over 100 million TV viewers saw the movie, “The Day After.” It portrayed what a city would look like after a nuclear attack.
Fr. Bob’s Homily – Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
Three men died and went to heaven. St. Peter asked the first if he had been faithful to his wife; he admitted to two affairs during his marriage.