Exciting news! Father Bob Warren is now reading his weekly reflections. Click on the headlines below or where it says “read more” under each to read – and now listen to – the latest from Fr. Bob.
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Fr. Bob’s Homily – 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time
Not many people are honest enough or brave enough to ask the question in today’s Gospel. Just think about you asking some friend or perhaps, more courageously, some enemy – Who do you say that I am….
Fr. Bob’s Homily – 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time
We have a dramatic scene in today’s Gospel, Jesus and the disciples are walking along and a hysterical woman comes up to them crying with the intensity of a mother whose child needs help.
Fr. Bob’s Homily – 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time
In our Gospel today Jesus says to Peter “come.” It is a simple invitation, one that Jesus gives us daily. It is the same one that he offered to the rich young man elsewhere in the Gospel. The young man turned away because he had many possessions.
Fr. Bob’s Homily – 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time
And, Jesus says, “Give them some food yourselves.” The disciples protested, “Five loaves and two fish are all we have.” Jesus said, “Bring them to me.” As always with the gospels, there is a lesson for us.
Fr. Bob’s Homily – 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Some time ago, a magazine ran a story about teenagers who belong to the Santa Clara Swimming Club. Every morning they get up at 5:00am and hurry to an outdoor pool for two solid hours of swimming, after which, they go to school.