Bearing the Light

HOLY MOUNTAIN FRANCISCAN RETREAT CENTER 40 Franciscan Way, Garrison, NY, United States

We will explore, reflect and engage the charisms of St. Francis and St. Clare. We will consider their spiritual wealth to help us discover the fulness of life that continues to call each of us, even in times of affliction.

Blessing of the Animals at Graymoor – Sunday, October 9, 2022

After our 11 a.m. Mass at Our Lady of the Atonement Chapel on Sunday October 9, we will hold our annual blessing of the animals at 1p.m. We invite you to bring your pets to the Holy Mountain for a blessing from our Friars! The annual event celebrates St. Francis of Assisi, whose life and […]

Centering Prayer

HOLY MOUNTAIN FRANCISCAN RETREAT CENTER 40 Franciscan Way, Garrison, NY, United States

This introductory session will include times of practice and explanation. The fruits of the prayer practice include the ability to be more present in your life and more flexible and forgiving with those with whom you live and work.