Graymoor Peace, Reconciliation, & Ecumenicity Program

GPREP Application

Application for the Graymoor Peace, Reconciliation, & Ecumenicity Program consists of a registration form, a letter of application describing your interest and experience (if any) in peace & reconciliation work and/or ecumenical engagement, and a brief letter of reference from a supervisor, colleague, bishop, or the like, confirming your good standing in your institution or community. The letter of reference should be emailed directly to, with your name in the subject header, no later than August 15, 2023.

Personal Information

Mailing Address(Required)

Faith, Education and Work Experiences

Emergency Contact Information

Emergency Contact Name(Required)

Application Letter

Please upload a letter of application describing your interest and experience (if any) in peace & reconciliation work and/or ecumenical engagement.
Max. file size: 5 MB.