The Friars were busy this summer building community and spreading our charism.
Below are a few highlights:
Lima, Peru
Our Friars in Lima, Peru have been very active since the South American Novitiate was established in 2022. The brothers have formed bonds with the community in many ways. Every Saturday during the summer, they gathered with people from the neighborhood to pray the rosary in front of the statue of Mary, Mother of Jesus. From July 27-29, they helped the city celebrate Peru’s independence from Spain as they marched to the town square with priests and the auxiliary bishop of Lima. They also joined in the Te Deum Mass, which has been celebrated every year since Peru’s independence in 1821.
The Friars participate in monthly ecumenical gatherings at the local YMCA. During a recent meeting, the discussion centered around the Christian response to global warming. The interfaith meeting touched upon a variety of insightful materials, including Pope Francis’ Encyclical Laudato Si.
The Friars in Lima have quickly become good friends who live, work and pray together. They take the time to celebrate special occasions for each other, such as birthdays.
Toronto, Canada
Fr. Bob Langone, SA, recently celebrated his 35th anniversary as a priest. As pastor of St. Joan of Arc Church in Toronto, Fr. Bob has provided dedicated service and leadership. The parish community prays that God’s grace may surround Fr. Bob and uplift his spirit, filling him with unwavering faith and courage as he continues to share the Gospel. Fr. Bob and the parish community are also grateful for Fr. Alexander Reed, SA, who as parochial vicar has offered great support to St. Joan of Arc Church.
Atlanta, Georgia
Fr. Jan Janoszka, SA, and Fr. Ken Cienik, SA, attended the Conference of Major Superiors of Men’s National Assembly in Atlanta July 29-August 1. CMSM provides a common voice for male religious while also honoring individual charisms. The theme for this year’s assembly was “Renewed in the Spirit: Changing Realities in Religious Life.”
Brockton, Massachusetts
Camaraderie abounded in Brockton as tertiary Dr. Doug Dulli of Wisconsin received a warm welcome from the Friars. He joined fellow tertiaries Deacon Thomas Rich, D.Min, J.C.L; Deacon Thomas Malone, TSA; and Deacon Gary Swane, along with Fr. Ken and Fr. David for Sunday Vespers at the Chapel of Our Savior.
Amid the joyous occasion, the men gathered in prayer with Dr. Duli and his family following the recent passing of his son. May the Lord Jesus Christ bless the Duli family during this time.
Wickliffe, Ohio
Fr. Tom Orians, SA, represented the Friars at the Fest on August 4. Sponsored by the Diocese of Cleveland, the annual day-long celebration continues to draw large crowds for faith, family and fun. Fr. Tom served on the liturgy planning committee and selected and trained liturgy readers. He also greeted visitors at the Atonement Friars’ booth and relayed the unique story of the Society of the Atonement. Fr. Tom described the joyous atmosphere at the Fest as a small, perfect glimpse of what the Kingdom of God looks and feels like.