Let the Saints Show You God’s Plan for Your Life
One thing that anybody who has ever heard God calling to them knows is that God doesn’t, except in rare cases, typically appear in pillars of clouds and burning bushes.
Usually, God gently whispers.
Amidst the noise of modern society, where the soft whispers of God can be difficult to hear, discerning takes commitment, reflection, and internal quiet. The Franciscan Friars of Atonement know this, and to help people listen to God’s voice in their lives, have developed an online tool to help guide you in prayers of discernment.
Divided into three movements, this tool will lead you along a path to a place where you can hear the calling of God and discern what God is asking of you.
Sign up now to help discover how God is calling you …

Blessed Virgin Mary: Say "Yes!" to God
Luke 1:38
“I am the Lord’s servant,” Mary answered. “May it be done to me according to your word.”

St. Francis of Assisi: Do What Is Yours to Do
“I have done what is mine to do. May Christ now teach you what is yours to do.”

Pope Francis: You Are Called to Be a Saint!
Pope Francis General Audience, Nov. 19, 2014
“Always and everywhere you can become a saint, that is, by being receptive to the grace that is working in us and leads us to holiness…”

Fr. Paul of Graymoor, SA: Utter Trust in God
Homily: “Take Up the Cross,” March 3, 1931
“So in your vocation…be prepared and be ready for times of trial. We know not how much you may be called upon to suffer. We know not how much any of us may be called upon to suffer in an age of intense agony and suffering the world has gone through. Pray in the spirit of humility, knowing your own frailty, your own weakness, remembering what Our Lord said, ‘Without Me you cannot do anything,’ lifting His arms to sustain you. Never permit anything to separate you from Him”

Call Stories in the Bible
The Bible contains many stories about how God calls people and what God asks those people to do. Take time to read any of the passages listed below and reflect upon the following questions…