Beginning in 2020, Ecumenical Trends will be published bi-monthly (for a total of 6 issues per year, instead of 11 issues), with each issue made more substantial than in the past. In making this change, the editorial team at the Graymoor Ecumenical & Interreligious Institute is not only responding to our readers’ insights and preferences (with our heartfelt thanks to all who responded to our subscriber survey!) but also working to craft each issue more strategically, with an eye to resonances between articles and through the course of the year. We are looking forward to sharing the fruits of this new structure with our readership.
The first issue of this new bimonthly schedule (Jan/Feb 2020), is now available not only to our subscribers but also as the Sample Issue of Ecumenical Trends on the GEII website. We hope you will take the opportunity to explore its contents, particularly if you are not familiar with the journal and the diverse array of updates, interpretations, interviews, and accessible scholarship on ecumenical and interreligious affairs that are featured in each issue of Ecumenical Trends. In particular, we invite you to enjoy the article by ecumenical veteran Rev. William Rusch: “Bartholomew: The Ecumenical Patriarchate in the Early Twenty-First Century – A Personal Perspective“, which provides a glimpse into a personal, candid, and exclusive conversation Rev. Rusch had in 2019 with Patriarch Bartholomew I.
Other features from recent issues of Trends have been made available on the Friars of the Atonement website, such as (GEII Associate Director) Aaron Hollander’s interview with Rev. Teresa Hord Owens, General Minister and President of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ): “Let Justice Roll: Teresa Hord Owens on the Legacy of 1619 and the Ministry of Reconciliation.”
These conversations are just scratching the surface of what Ecumenical Trends has to offer! Subscriptions to the journal are inexpensive and offer both print and digital options. We invite you to take a look and we thank you for your engagement.